Smart Rural Grid

Arbeidsområder: Energiopplevelse, Infrastruktur,      Status:

Erfaringer og forskningsresultater fra Smart Energi Hvaler har vært viktige brikker for å etablere EU prosjektet Smart Rural Grid. Bernt Bremdal er aktivt med i prosjektet.

Smart Rural Grid

The Smart Rural Grid  project aims to develop the smart rural grid and explore the best ways to make the transition from the current rural distribution networks to the new using novel smart grid technologies and associated business concepts.

The project will  reconsider rural network distribution architectures that are currently used and introduce, combine and test  an entirely new concept that we hasve  named the Smart Rural Grid. Smart Rural Grid will accommodate telecommunications, control and storage technologies and other systems and devices to revamp existing structures and to ensure a successful inception of the new concept developed in the project.



Smart Innovation Østfold



Fredrikstad Energi AS Hvaler Kommune NCE Smart Energy Markets